LOD Lifecycle Model (version 2.1)
Requirements Analysis
To verify the purposes of data conversion to LOD and the requirements for future applications
Data Licensing
To ensure and acquire the license permission for data re-consumption
Data Architecture Evaluation
Analyze data structure, content of currently reusable ontology and authority files to form the basis for data modeling
Data Modeling
To design the ontology/ semantic data model
Data Cleaning
To structure the original data and correct data errors to optimize quality
Data Reconciliation
To design or assign the reusable URIs to each data resource; to reuse and link to the external resources (such as AAT, VIAF, DBpedia, GeoNames, etc.); to establish the semantic relations between the resources
Data Enrichment
To create the linkages between heterogeneous resources through the technology of the Named Entity Recognition
Data Conversion
To convert, release the data in RDF file format (such as N-Triples, Turtle) and upload into the triple store
Data Querying in SPARQL
To establish the SPARQL endpoint and offer semantic query functionality, with examples
Data Publishing
To publish the LOD-based datasets in the worldwide open data platform for data sharing and distribution (eg. and in the local-established LOD datasets interface(eg. ASCDC LOD datasets)
Application Systems
To develop the application system for providing the LOD-based service system (such as a website); to revise the data content through the function of crowdsourcing embedded in the application system
Data Maintenance
To constantly maintain the validity, accessibility and usable status of the published LOD datasets